Traditional and Classical Chinese Health Cultivation


1、Ba Duan Jin

2、Fang Song Gong (Relaxation Exercise)

3、Liu He Gong (Six-Unity Exercise)

4、Gu Yin Liu Zi Jue (Six Healing Sounds)

5、Song Rou Gong (Soft and Relaxed Exercise)

6、Xiao Yao Gong (Free and Easy Exercise)

7、Tian Zhu Dao Yin Gong

8、Yi Jin Jing (Chinese Transformation Classic)


  • Ba Duan Jin
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  • Fang Song Gong (Relaxation Exercise)
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  • Liu He Gong (Six-Unity Exercise)
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  • Gu Yin Liu Zi Jue (Six Healing Sounds)
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  • Song Rou Gong (Soft and Relaxed Exercise)
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  • Xiao Yao Gong (Free and Easy Exercise)
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  • Tian Zhu Dao Yin Gong
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  • Yi Jin Jing (Chinese Transformation Classic)
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